Phyllomedusa: We are Cannibals and Carnivores LP
Here is another opus courtesy of Phyllomedusa, one of the many projects of Matt Mansfield aka Big Frog. The thing I like about Matt’s projects is he seems to capture the visual aspect through sound with every band he’s in. As Phyllomedusa is concerned the band’s themes and concepts center on frogs making it quite unique and sets it apart from most gorenoise bands. Now even though this release is noisy, it’s not as noisy as some of his previous releases. Another thing, this is the second release that features real drums, and in my opinion I love drum machines, but nothing quite captures a band like a real drummer. The drumming on this recording has a bit of Foetopsy laced with Brodequin, but the main influence I see on this release is Last Days of Humanity. Not only the drumming, but the guitars, bass and the gurgling pitch shifted vocals all scream LDOH for sure. The stand out tracks on this are “Slaves to the Pyxie”, “Infested with Chacophrys” and “Repulsive Vermin to Some, Ravishing Amphibian to Me”. The release includes two Last Days of Humanity Covers, a King’s X cover entitled “Frogman”, and a Quiet Riot cover!? The release is laden with samples and frog croaks, which makes the anti human, pro amphibian more profound on this release. I see Phyllomedusa making noisier and more chaotic sounding releases as time goes on. This release will leave your ears bleeding and your appreciation for amphibians more prevalent.
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