Joe/Cryptic Inscriptions- I like to tell you thanks for taking the time to do this interview Paulo. Tell the readers a little bit about Copremesis, and also the significance behind the name?
Paulo- You’re a great and honest dude so I take this interview as an honor! Copremesis started out when Alex and I met Daniel and Wilson. During the years things change, people leave, join, kicked out, grow up, etc. Now we have Ian to torture.
We fit the name; we rip off the bands we love and regurgitate their riffs and try to pass it off as ours.
Joe- The last album you guys released was “Muay Thai Ladyboys” are you guys currently working on a new album will it be material for a split, EP or another LP? What will the title be, and what do you hope to achieve on the next recording that you didn’t on this one?
Paulo- We’re working on new songs, no idea if it would be for a full-length, ep or split. We have a working title but I don’t want to get too excited and blurt things out like I did few years ago, I said in other interviews a few years back that we would do splits with a couple of bands [Buckshot Facelift, Cesspool, Gorged Afterbirth] but because we’re lazy and we procrastinate, nothing has yet to materialize.
Joe- I really dig the dual vocals of Alex (guitar/vocals) and yourself. Did you guys from the get go decide on doing dual vocals?
Paulo- Originally it wasn’t, we started out with triple vocals like Gorgasm / Nile. Daniel who recorded the drums for Muay Thai Lady Boys was originally the bassist / vocalist. He did inhales, Daniel and I have similar vocals but his stand-out vocals were those high shrieks in the demo [Therapeutic Battery] and split [Push]. During the recording for Muay Thai Ladyboys, he didn’t have time to record his parts, because he was getting ready to join the USMC. He was busy filling in for the drums and recording the bass on 8 of the songs.
Joe- Back on the vocals I have to say you have some of the most sickest and original sounding vocals that I’ve heard in the scene. Did you do vocals in any bands prior to Copremesis, and how did you establish your unique style of vocals?
Paulo- Ha ha ha, thank you for the kind words but they’re not original at all, I basically rip off Jamie Bailey, Batu Cetin, Danny Nelson and Antimo Buonanno when I came to a realization that couldn’t fully pull off iniQuity’s Brian Petrowsky. Alex and I were in a band prior to Copremesis but we weren’t vocalists. Discovering Brodequin, Cenotaph, Malignancy and Disgorge became my Game Genies.
Joe- Let’s go back in time for a bit, why did you guys choose the name “Muay Thai Ladyboys” as the album name? Was there some kind of back up story to the name of the album or is it just something you guys came up?
Paulo-Alex was responsible for the album title; he got it from the movie Beautiful Boxer, which is based from a dramatized true story of Nong Toom. He was a Muay Thai Kickboxer who fought his way to make money to get his sex change. He eventually got enough funds to have the operation then set on her transformation as Parinya Charoenphol.
Joe- Does the whole band write material together or does one of you come up with the music/lyrics?
Paulo - Alex and I usually write on our own but there’s a couple of ways we would write. The last few songs I’ve written were technically just a collection of riffs and placed in a haphazard structure, when I’m comfortable enough with the material then I show it to the guys at rehearsal, from there we trim the fat then rearrange the structure to have a cohesive song. Alex has a better grasp of writing than I do because he understands repeating riffs is necessary, I on the other hand tend to fall under the “riff-salad” mentality. If we hit a slump, we ask each other for help to throw some ideas for the next part.
Ian is very instrumental in helping me write songs, when I would present the songs to him we would work on the comfort level of executing the playability and structures. In Muay Thai…, the songs were hard for us to replicate live because the songs were going 1,000 MPH and we would cramp playing them and eventually execute them sloppily. He also has a very strong sense of timing, he’s a human metronome and working with him would be usually hard for me since I have absolutely no sense of timing, he’s been helping me hear the beat by playing the riff over and over and over again until I get it right.
Joe- Do you feel that the band has progressed since the early days until now? What’s been the most important thing that you’ve learned from being in a band or just being a musician?
Paulo- Listening to Wormed made me realize that I don’t have to play out of my skill level and working with Ian made me realize that I need to back up and not rush into things. Wormed’s songs aren’t forced, they flow and there’s no super meedly weedly parts but actual memorable and relaxed riffs. I’d love to play Malignancy but I just have to be honest about myself and realize I’m nowhere near Ronny’s playing ability.
I’m trying to avoid the dirty habit of Riff-Stacking; I’m being more open to suggestions from the other guys. The main goal for Copremesis for me is to have fun and we took the break, it’s because things were becoming stale, it’s very important to have other avenues of outlets so when we come back, things are fresh again. We don’t want something to sound forced or out of character. Even though it might not be apparent for many people out there, we do have somewhat of a theme or an idea, lately songs I’ve written were more straightforward and very dark; it didn’t feel like Copremesis so I’m holding that off for something else.
Joe- Do you feel that the live show captures Copremesis better or that the recording does or both? Explain.
Paulo- I think we’re better live than in recordings, not playing wise but more entertaining. We’ve been VERY lucky to be a part of some really bizarre show where the people who put on the show, took the album concept to heart and made it possible to perform with a transgender shitting all over the floor and being tipped over from inside a port-o-potty [ source: ].
Speaking for myself here, I’m someone who is an introvert and passive aggressive, playing live is a release; you’ve seen us play and I spazz out. I don’t care how many people are there for us, even if it’s just one person, I really take it to heart that this person took their time out to spend it with us and I feel that I owe it to that person to give something back and that is to entertain them also. Make them remember after the show was done that it wasn’t such a waste of time and hopefully did not regret coming out to see us. It may seem pessimistic but coming from a person who is living in NYC where everyone is jaded and barely come out to shows, I know how it feels to be let down when I could’ve just stayed home and rest.
Joe- Do you play any other instruments besides guitar and if you do does that help you out in the writing process or just working with other musicians?
Paulo-I literally, PLAY the drums and bass, especially the drums. I don’t really do much with my bass but playing simple Grindcore riffs but in drums, there’s only one thing I can do and I enjoy it very much which is hyperblasting. I have a very basic set up very much like Jon Engman’s which consists of 1 electronic kick pad, a hi-hat, a crash, a small china and a tiny snare [and a saw blade as the ride but Engman doesn’t use that cuz he’s too awesome for that]. It doesn’t help me with writing at all, just relieves stress.
Joe- What is the song “Verb the Noun” about?
Paulo- There’s no lyrics yet but the working idea is about poking fun of the lack of originality in the Death Metal scene, mostly based a lot from Unique Leader / United Guttural / and various Brutal Death Metal song / album titles. The 1st half of that song is meant to be brutal and the 2nd half well, you already know what it’s about but I don’t want to spoil it for anyone else, it’s meant to throw people off.
Joe- You guys have any shows, tours coming up in the near future?
Paulo- The only show coming up is the show with The Kill / Noisear / the Communion. It’ll be a 1 year anniversary since I played with The Communion since Lee Altomare passed away, Copremesis didn’t perform but that’s when I played with Buckshot Facelift. We weren’t going to do any shows this year either but we’re doing this as a way of paying our respects for a great friend [Lee Altomare of The Communion] who passed away last year.
Joe- You also do vocals in Andromorphus Rexalia and do guitar/vocals in Buckshot Facelift do you take part in the writing process of either of these bands? Does being in different bands and jamming with other musicians help when it comes to writing new material or just understanding music in a different light opposed to just being in one band?
Paulo- I have absolutely have zero musical input for Andromorphus Rexalia and I like it that way, I’m just there to make fart noises on the microphone. The role may seem insignificant but to me it gives me relieves from the stress of writing music, it’s a different role and gives a fresh point of view.
For Buckshot Facelift, I participate in the song writing, Tom [bassist] and I would usually meet up and show each other riffs, and then whenever we can get everyone else in the same page, we rehearse and go over the new songs. Problem is that we can’t actively rehearse every week, it’s because our conflicting work and personal schedules, another factor is the distance between the members. It’s fun playing Buckshot’s stuff since its new to me, they have a very NYHC hardcore style and I’ve been assimilating my style to fit theirs.
All these different styles are great because it relieves me from being stale and stagnant. Variety is a spice of life. Sometimes I would have a riff for this band or an idea for another; it keeps my mind working instead of hitting a brick wall trying to figure out what’s the next step to take in the one band.
Joe- Like always I want to thank you like always for doing this interview Paulo. Any last words for the readers, and do we expect dance music and glow sticks half way through the set at the next live show or a cover song placed at the end of the album ;) ?
Paulo- Thank you, Joe! Thanks for taking your time to include us! It’s much appreciated! And I’m very sorry for being always late with this stuff!
We have a show coming up and we don’t even know what we’re gonna do. Ha, we just need to get off our asses and actually record something. Honestly, we don’t know, we’re working on new material right now, I’m sure many people won’t like it.
Always carry glow sticks; you’ll never know when it’s time to dance.
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